By the end of winter, It’s high time to open up the windows and let the fresh air in! Spring-cleaning tasks are here!
Basically, spring cleaning is not somebody’s idea of a good time. The work is monotonous and can sometimes amount to drudgery, but it’s also hopeful. With the spring season comes new beginnings.
Here’s a Guide to Help Keep Your Home and Surroundings Safe and Virus-free in Time for Post-Covid Spring Cleaning Activities
General Cleaning
With all of us spending more time indoors, it’s the best time to schedule a general cleaning. This can be a big task depending on the size of your house. Also, clutter may have piled up during winter. Here are a few tips to make it manageable for you and your cleaning crew:
- Make it a family activity. Set a weekend to have a family cleaning day. Make it more fun by turning on some upbeat music, having yummy food and drinks for breaks;
- Creating silly games like a contest for the cleanest room or a scavenger hunt;
- Take family photos which you can post on social media to remind others to start spring cleaning too;
- Make sure to equip family members with proper protection and safe cleaning implements. You may need gloves and masks especially if there are family members who have allergies. Remind them not to touch their faces and to wash their hands often especially after cleaning and before eating.
The Organization Is Key
Prioritize on clearing out junk and having proper places for things. It will be easier to maintain order when you have shelves, cabinets, or bins to hold items. For example, have baskets for kids’ toys or dirty clothes, and assign areas in their room for books and other school staff. It will be easier to clean and sanitize without clutter.
Take Charge of Common Areas
This will include the kitchen, living room, and bathrooms. These areas need deep cleaning as they are frequently used and can be breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses. The first step is to dispose of old containers, expired products, bills, flyers, and other junk. Clean your pantry to make room for supplies. Use a damp rag rather than a feather duster when cleaning to prevent releasing dust and viruses into the air.
Daily Scheduling
Coming up with a calendar for different tasks might also help make things less daunting. It is recommended to start by wiping counters, vacuuming, running a few loads of laundry, putting away clutter, and making beds. Once that’s taken care of, she likes splitting different chores into different days:
- Monday: Bathroom day.
- Tuesday: Dusting day.
- Wednesday: Vacuuming day.
- Thursday: Floor washing day.
- Friday: Catch up on anything from the previous days you didn’t get to.
- Saturday: Sheets and towels day.
- Sunday: Upkeep those basic starter tasks.
Spring is about rebirth. Let’s take a deep breath and appreciate our blessings. If you need more information and tips on post-covid spring cleaning activities, talk to a professional – CPD Homes, LLC is here to help you sell your home fast with our great Open House ideas! We are a part of a national network of real estate investors and see no complicated situation to any of your requirements! Need more information? Feel free to contact us at (216) 619-4387. We can buy your house in Cleveland Ohio and be your agent to sell your house – FAST!